

Page history last edited by staff 12 years, 3 months ago

A new, small, alternative family based primary school in Lambeth...


The Family School at Larkhall

where children are free to be themselves and where learning is a natural part of enjoying and exploring life



The Family School is up and running! We believe we are the only primary school in London which offers an experiential, democratic education where learning is active, participatory and purposeful, where learning is part of living and where parents are welcome to participate. We do not follow a set curriculum choosing to support an informal, emergent curriculum, which grows from the interests of individual children and the group as a whole and which values imaginative play and exploration as well as creative, academic and physical work.


It is a place which encompasses a wide range of real life activities and where each individual will receive support and encouragement to grow at their own pace and in their own ways and live to their full potential.


We are excited about being able to offer a very different sort of education to what is available elsewhere in London. We have three fantastic teachers, wonderful interns, enthusiastic parents and our unique educational approach is working really well; our small group of children love coming to school and don't want to go home at the end of each day!


All we need now is for more families to join us... We currently have limited places available for children who are 4 - 8 years old in our mixed age group which is open four days a week. The school will extend naturally each year until the age range is 4-11. We also have a drop in session for under fours and their parents twice a week.

We are proactively looking for six, seven and eight year olds at the moment. (Flexi schooling or part time places for this age range of children may be possible by arrangement. This may suit home educating families with children of this age). Bursaries may also be available.


We are also enrolling now for 4, and 5 year olds for September 2013 and thereafter.

We are now an independent school registered with the department of education and have recently had our first visit from Ofsted. We currently have no external funding. Sadly, we were not successful in being approved for state funding under the new government's free school initiative and therefore need, unfortunately, to continue to charge fees.


If you would like to discuss your child joining us, now or in the future, please get in touch.....


We hold regular OPEN DAYS FOR INTERESTED FAMILIES to see the school, hear more about it, talk to the teachers and ask any questions you may have.  If you want to attend an open day we would appreciate it if you could pre-register. Please Email us with your contact details and your child's age. If you are keen to meet us before then, please get in touch.


Our PARENT AND CHILD (UNDER 4s) GROUP meets on Monday mornings each week during term time from 9.45am-11.45am and cost £6 per session per child (siblings under 14 months attend for free). We are offering as discount as well for those of you who want to attend regularly. Paying in advance for 8 sessions will entitle you to to attend 10 sessions at any time during the term. The group includes opportunities to share and discuss parenting issues (e.g. tantrums, sharing, eating, sleeping) as well as free play time for the children.  Email us for more details if you are interested in coming along. It is helpful for us to know when you plan to come the first time. Thank you.


We always welcome interest from  short term volunteers. Please see Recruitment information for more details. We are not currently recruiting interns but if you would like to be informed of the next opportunities for internships, please email us and we will keep you informed.



If you are interested to find our more about our school...

click here to go to our contents page...

....there are many more pages to read!

You will find information about our principles, policies, people and practice,

as well as parents' lovely testimonials.



Contact details  Policies  Who we are  Parent Testimonials   Free School funding support questionnaire  Contents page (for other info)


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